Support, distribution of property, or other legal claims arising out of your marriage. Due to Virginia's no-fault divorce laws, there's no requirement to prove the other person's alcoholism in order to file.ASAP is a criminal justice program that uses community and state services to reduce the problem of driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs. New Applicants for Licensure. In Virginia, stepparents are not typically liable for child support of their stepchildren after a divorce – unless they have legally adopted them. If you're are seeking help from Alcohol addiction, we can help. Alcohol abuse is a widespread problem. Effective 2022, glass is no longer accepted in the curbside recycling bin. VICAP helps older adults get help understanding Medicare, Medigap, Drug Plan, and Medicare Advantage Plan. Fairfax Spousal Support Modifications Lawyer: From divorce, to child custody, trusts and estates, Melone Hatley P.C. has fought for families since 2014.