Once you know the time and date of the hearing, you will need to complete Notice of Hearing on Motion for. This form may be used to ask the court enforce a prior court order of final judgment.You must explain what the other party has failed to do. If your Motion does not involve child support, complete the following additional form: D. Motion for Referral to the General Magistrate, Form 12.920(a). Org - (select) – Self Help, Family Law Forms for the forms. Contempt of court in Florida is a situation where someone has not obeyed a court order and may be subject to fines, sanctions, or incarceration. Civil contempt typically involves noncompliance with a court order during a civil proceeding. It depends on the state in which the violation occurs. In some states failure to pay child support is a misdemeanor that can be up to 1 year in jail. It's really not that hard to file a contempt of court motion.