It requires an affidavit of cohabitation if you have a roommate, but if like me, you don't, you have to submit an affidavit that you live alone. Hey guys, For the NYC handgun permit application, i need to fill out a Affidavit of CoHabitant if i live with someone over 18 years of age.Filling out the Affidavit of Co-Habitant is straightforward. Fill in forms are now available. Where should you apply for a marriage or civil union license? The marriage or civil union license must be obtained from the registrar in the New Jersey. If you qualify under this section, you must complete a Dependent Tax Affidavit and submit it with your other enrollment documents. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view, fill out, or print them. SECTION "B" ("AFFIDAVIT" STUDENT): Complete this section if the student is living with a person other than the parent or guardian. If one person is from out of the State, you would apply in the.