Fill out the Request for Reconsideration if the wages shown on the form are wrong or your employment and earnings are missing. The GDOL will notify you if you are required to complete an Applicant Status Affidavit attesting to your lawful presence in the United States.Report unemployment identity fraud to the state where it occurred. Find contact information for the state unemployment agency here. You are required to make to the Court, under oath, a FULL DISCLOSURE of your income, net worth and financial condition on this form. Written Instructions for Poverty Affidavit, Video Instructions for Poverty Affidavit, Poverty Affidavit Form Order for Poverty Affidavit. You must also bring proof of income, such as pay stubs or unemployment stubs and copies of your bills. Poverty Affidavits are heard each Friday at 2 p.m. ATLCORE CSS - How to Use Drafts and My Templates. Pension, report the new amount on your claim form in the first week the change occurs.