Use Form 1065-X, if you aren't filing electronically, to complete one of the following. Use Form 1065-X, if you are not filing electronically, to: Correct items on a previously filed Form 1065, Form 1065-B, or Form 1066.The purpose of this article is to provide partnerships a guide to the various filing procedures and tax forms to use to modify a previously filed Form 1065. Complete your amended return as if you are filing the return for the first time. Submit all the forms relevant to the information in your amended return. The motion was agreed to; and (at 8 o'clock and 10 minutes p. You can file an amended 1065 return electronically. Volunteers will help fill out federal and state forms for those who qualify. The clerk will be directed to amend the docket sheet to reflect the correct spelling of plaintiff's name. James S. Starzynski.