Complete the information as it should appear on the Amended Birth Certificate in the top portion. The "Secure and Verifiable Identity Document Act" requires applicants for licensure to submit an Affidavit of Citizenship and a secure and verifiable document.To obtain a legal name change in Georgia, an applicant must submit a petition to the court. A valid copy of your Photo ID must accompany this request. Each of you should submit separate financial affidavits. Your own income and separate living expenses should appear on each form. Upon amendment of an item in a vital record, that item shall not be amended again except upon receipt of a court order from a court of competent jurisdiction. If you have a problem involving the interpretation of the law, we suggest you contact an attorney licensed in the State of Georgia. In the event of a name change, the new signature of the notary must be included. How To Fill Out an Affidavit of Identity.