Affidavit of Cohabitation - Free download as Word Doc (. Couples who cohabitate may share household duties and expenses but typically do not have the same legal rights and protections as married couples.Discover an affidavit of cohabitation sample to simplify your legal process. This affidavit documents the cohabitation of two individuals for over ten years without being legally married. MV-16 Affidavit to Certify Immediate Family Relationship (PDF, 51.09 KB) Department of Revenue How can we help? An Affidavit of Cohabitation is used if a couple wants to prove that they are living together as spouses for a certain period. Phinizy, 114 S. E. 185, 154 Ga. 199; Collins vs. Collins, 193 So. 702), and many others. Two people are considered to be cohabitating when they live together as a couple in the same manner as they would if they were legally married. Hershey Valverde Dela Rosa.