When you ask us to review your support order, DCSS will determine whether an Agency Recommendation will be made regarding the amount of current support. ❑STEP 1 : Fill out the Petition for Modification of Child Support.❑STEP 2 : Fill out the Verification Form. Learn about Georgia's rules for changing the amount of child support you're paying or receiving—and how to get help with your modification request. Either party or the State may file a motion for review and adjustment based upon the expiration of three years since the last child support order. Apply online or print, fill out, and mail in one of the application packets below. Follow the instructions on filling out the application completely. A request for relief is usually placed at the end of a motion filed with the court. Lists states that have policies to compromise child support debt owed to the state. A modification of child support is allowed if the parties can show a change in income or financial status.