The Harris Center provides mental health outpatient services that consider the whole person as they create a life of stability and recovery. Arrangements to obtain a court order for mental health services may be made through the Mental Health Division of the Harris County Clerk's Office.These open-format groups provide ongoing support during the grief process. Below is a listing of forms that may be required for participants in Harris County's recovery programs. Frequently Asked Questions: Accounting, Go to Accounting, How long before I see my refund check? Unlike child support, spousal support is not required in a divorce decree. To reach our office, call or text (516) 3260797 or (718) 3477284, or fill out the form on our Contact Us page. We offer complete family law guidance to divorcing couples in Houston and throughout Harris County. Please print and complete the paperwork. DO NOT SIGN the paperwork until you are in the presence of a clerk from Harris County Clerk's Office at HCPC.