If you want to respond to a contempt motion filed against you in a family law case, see the Response to Contempt Motion Forms packet. The child support office can pursue a contempt action if all of the following are true.The Minnesota Courts have forms that can help when you want to file a motion for contempt of court or respond to a motion for contempt of court. I recommend filing with the DCSS, they will be in charge of enforcing the court orders. Also, file a request to modify support based on his misrepresentations. Filing for contempt of court is a method to enforce this order and compel compliance. Here's what you should consider. A domestic relations financial affidavit is required and helpful to show the court your financial situation. Courtissued orders during or after divorce proceedings, such as a child support order or visitation schedule, are legally binding. The court papers you may need is the Motion for Contempt - PDF. Top. 11.