You can fill out and file your divorce forms online using the court's Guide and File interview. Learn how to apply for child support services and find procedures for establishing parentage and custody, as well as payment and enforcement.Minnesota does not rule out payment of alimony when couples get a summary dissolution. The purpose of this packet is to help obtain a cost-of-living adjustment to a child support or spousal maintenance order. The first step typically requires filing a formal request for spousal maintenance as part of the divorce proceedings. Did you do the final forms yourself or did someone fill them out for you? In Minnesota, "alimony" is called "spousal maintenance. What Is the Difference Between Alimony and Spousal Support? The short answer to this question is that spousal maintenance differs from alimony in name only. The spouse then has 30 days to serve the Petitioner with an Answer to the Petition, and if he or she wishes, a Counter-Petition.