These are the forms that Clerk's office provides for Circuit Civil cases. Complete your amended return as if you are filing the return for the first time.Submit all the forms relevant to the information in your amended return. If the form you are seeking is not in th is l is t, you may seek legal advice. 3) Complete the following forms and notarize the ones with a notary signature line: A) Civil cover sheet - (does not need to be notarized). Applicant may also be required to complete an affidavit to qualify for an exemption under certain situations. The purpose of an Annual Report or Amended Annual Report is to update or verify your entity's information on our records. Complete the following forms and notarize the ones with a notary signature line: A. 12 Rules of Courtroom Civility - (does not need to be notarized). Mobile Home, Off-Highway Vehicle or Vessel. 1 Granite Place, Suite N400 • Concord, 03301.