This page contains all of the Family Law court case forms that the Clerk's Office provides. These forms and instructions are available in the General Clerk's Office, Room 108, in the Nassau County.A. Procedural Forms Requesting Assistance. The Family Form A is available to request assistance from the Self-Help Office. Complete the following forms and notarize the ones with a Notary signature line: A) Motion for Temporary Support -- form 12.947(a) or 12.947(c). To reach our office, call or text 813-368-0813, or fill out the form on our Contact Us page. Couples undergoing marital strain are encouraged to seek the assistance of a mental health professional specializing in family counseling. This form may be used if a dissolution of marriage has not been filed, and you are requesting alimony. A fast, affordable, and simple divorce process using our fully-guided divorce questionnaire and filing service. Please be aware that some counties may have their own forms and filing instructions.