Click on the words on the links below and you can enter information directly into the form before printing it! Sometimes, it is as simple as a notarized statement saying you are in a "domestic partnership since (year)".1. Enter the names of both property owners. Once signed, the declaration is valid proof of marriage and you are considered married for all legal purposes. Outline your shared life: The affidavit asks about how you handled finances, medical decisions, and other critical aspects of your relationship. How to fill out the Affidavit of Common Law Marriage in Texas? In Houston, the appropriate place to get a license or declaration is at the Harris County Clerk's office or one of its branches. If only one spouse is completing it you should select "single" otherwise, select "joint". We reside together in the same residence and intend to do so indefinitely. 5. We have an exclusive mutual commitment similar to that of marriage. 6.