Care advice for motion sickness: What you should know about motion sickness: Rest - Lie Down, Fluids - Offer Sips, Vomiting. Give the Dramamine 1 hour before traveling or going to an amusement park.The tablets give 6 hours of protection and are very helpful. A physical therapist can help you retrain your eyeear connection to take control of your motion sickness symptoms through vestibular rehabilitation. Emergency Room providing Nausea services to Houston and Spring, TX. To book an appointment at Houston Medical ER, call us at 281-453-7150. How is motion sickness treated? Dimenhydrinate: An over-the-counter antihistamine that helps with motion sickness. Desensitization therapy works for minimizing or even curing motion sickness. UT Health Services offers pretravel immunizations, counseling, laboratory testing, and prescriptions for medicines for international travelers.