It requires an affidavit of cohabitation if you have a roommate, but if like me, you don't, you have to submit an affidavit that you live alone. Establish emotional and financial security before you move in together and combine your assets with a Cohabitation Agreement.☐ I am unrelated to the child and have a positive relationship with the child, that was established prior to the current foster care placement. Unmarried couples need more documents for the same protection as married couples. My boyfriend and I are unmarried and had a child together. He is listed on the birth certificate, and we signed the paternity affidavit. This affidavit documents the cohabitation of two individuals for over ten years without being legally married. However, if there is financial disclosure, it must state that it is accurate and complete. You must file and serve the affidavit within the time set out above for filing and serving your answer. With Surviving Spouse (§201.002, Texas Estates Code).