Spouses who are legally married must support each other for as long as they are married and both sides are alive. In New York State, a married person may file a petition in Family Court seeking spousal support from a current husband or wife.If the question is whether a spouse can waive his or her duty or obligation to pay spousal support, the answer is no. The Court must determine that there was a change in circumstances (i. You and your spouse can agree to include the length of your alimony arrangement in the court order. If she's outside your realm, you'll need to conquer your way to her lands, divorce her so you can declare war on her, depose and then immediately remarry her. A legal obligation on a person to provide financial support to their spouse before or after marital separation or divorce. You will need to complete Form 330 – Petition for Spousal Support and file it with the court. This situation provides a certain termination of alimony payments, while cohabitation can be a more ambiguous case. Cohabitation of Dependent Spouse.