Use the easy-to-use child support calculator at ezCourtForms to create a Child Support Worksheet. Either party or the State may file a motion for review and adjustment based upon the expiration of three years since the last child support order.Forms and information for filing for child support in Arizona. If "yes," write in what language(s). Motion for Relief (Self-Represented) – The parent responsible for paying child support can also petition to lower their child support payments. If relief is appropriate, the commissioner or the judicial assistant will complete the order of protection during the court hearing using an automated form. Don't navigate this complex process alone—contact Arizona Law Group today for expert legal guidance and to secure the financial support your child deserves. CoChair Podlogar asked for a motion to approve the. August 29, 2022 Board meeting minutes. However, Attorney General Mayes did not file any similar lawsuits against any other county board of supervisors.