In order to complete this form, you will need a copy of your existing child support order. If you do not have a copy, ask the Clerk of Court how to get one.The program encourages noncustodial party (NCP) to make consistent child support payments by: Credit will be given for uninterrupted court ordered payments. One of the parents must request that the court change the child support order, using a written "motion" a formal request to the court. Most Maryland family law court forms are in this index. To open a child support case, file a Complaint for Child Support (CC-DR-001) with the appropriate financial statement. How do I fill out a order of default in a nonmilitary affidavit in Circuit Court for child support in Baltimore Maryland. Learn what you need to do when you receive a petition or other formal request for child support, and what can happen if you don't respond. Generally, other parties must send you a copy of any motion they file against you in your case. The UCCJEA does not apply to child support cases.