The purpose of the affidavit is to affirm the facts stated regarding their non-cohabitation for legal purposes. SOFIA (State Of Florida Interactive Access) was created to allow you to electronically complete court documents using easy to follow interviews.The purpose of the execution of this affidavit is to affirm the facts alleged herein and for whatever legal purpose it may serve. Follow this simple instruction to edit Affidavit of Domestic Partnership - Miami-Dade County - pdfs dadeschools in PDF format online at no cost. The declaration must be signed in front of a notary public and the document notarized. Get sample court forms from the courthouse or the local battered women's program. Sometimes the court clerk will be able to assist you in completing them. AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COHABITATION. I,. , the petitioner in the above-entitled matter, first being duly sworn, say: I have not cohabited with since . Date. 31 Not only does this give some teeth to the PFA Act, it also helps guard against an abuser using the court system to further abuse his victim.