Once you know the time and date of the hearing, you will need to complete Notice of Hearing on Motion for. This form may be used to ask the court enforce a prior court order of final judgment.You must explain what the other party has failed to do. SOFIA (State Of Florida Interactive Access) was created to allow you to electronically complete court documents using easy to follow interviews. The Central Depository Child Support and Alimony Office maintains a local Central Depository to receive and process court-ordered payments. Contempt of court in Florida is a situation where someone has not obeyed a court order and may be subject to fines, sanctions, or incarceration. Once a hearing date has been scheduled, complete a Notice of Hearing form with the place, date, and time of the hearing. Need help filling out a common child support form? We have videos to help! Our Child Support Program (CSP) aims to help you locate the other parent.