The purpose of this affidavit is to attest to the truth of their unmarried cohabitation for legal purposes. They have executed this affidavit to attest to the facts of their cohabitation and to allow them to marry without a marriage license.Translated court forms are provided to help limited English-proficient and non-English speaking persons better understand the English court forms. Unmarried couples should consider entering into cohabitation agreements to protect their property interests if the relationship breaks down and they separate. Glick (1990), for example, reported an increase in cohabiting couples from . Step 1 – Fill in the information of both parties. The first step in writing a cohabitation agreement is filling in the parties' information. If changes are needed, an entirely new affidavit must be filed. Completing the form. Applicants who reside alone must fill out the bottom portion of this form but do not need to notarize it.