This article is for attorneys making a motion for summary judgment in New York state court under Rule 3212 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules. Applicable Statute, Rule, or Case Law.(no affidavit of merit is necessary). Coplan, Come Out and Play: Shyness in Childhood and the Benefits of Organized Sports. The legislature shall provide for filling vacancies in the office of comptroller and of attorney general. With an affidavit describing the Nassau Veterans Memorial Coliseum, and. Access the Motion-Secondary in the Richard Meyer As Administrator Of The Estate Of LYNNE MEYER, deceased v. Finally, be aware that even a meritorious counterclaim will increase the legal costs and the time needed to complete motion practice. The Motion to Lift Stay applied for in the US bankruptcy court was denied on 9th June 2023, with Judge. Largest forms database in the USA with more than 80,000 federal, state and agency forms.