Filling out the Affidavit of Co-Habitant is straightforward. What the law requires is that there be evidence that tends to connect the defendant with the commission of the crime charged in such a way as may reasonably.5. Enter the county where the affidavit is notarized. 6. New York Consolidated Laws, Domestic Relations Law - DOM § 240. Custody and child support; orders of protection. Selfpetitioners must demonstrate a qualifying relationship to an abusive US citizen or LPR to be eligible for VAWA benefits. This document is a judicial affidavit from a corroborative witness in a case for the nullification of a marriage based on psychological incapacity. An affidavit should contain: the details of the case it is being used in, including the names of parties, court location and court case number. Attorney. If your case is uncontested it may take two to six months to complete your divorce even if there are no complications. Most courts have already found unrecorded completing statements to be admissible under either Rule 611(a) or the common-law rule of completeness.