After the forms are filled out and notarized, you must make 2 COPIES (one for yourself, one for the other party and the original for the file). 4. The requirement of writing is fulfilled if the motion is stated in a written notice of the hearing of the motion. (2).This document is a collection of links to fillable forms that are available on NC Administrative Office of the Courts or AOC. A small claims case is filed in the clerk of superior court's office in the appropriate county. The forms may be printed and completed in advance. In adult cases, the failure to attach an affidavit to the motion waives the right to contest the evidence not only at trial, but also on appeal. Proposed record on appeal is made in the trial court and can be made orally or in writing and without notice to other parties. Below is an outline of what needs to be done. Steps to modify a child support order in North Carolina. (For the complete text of the rule amendments, see the Summer 2024 edition of the Journal or visit the State Bar website: ncbar.