Forms and instructions for filing for divorce in Palm Beach County. Instructions and Motion for Default (a), Default (b) Form Number 12.922(a)(b) Form Type Procedural Date PDF File 922a.Below is a list of forms that you may download for free from our website. To obtain a default, you will need to complete Motion for Default, Florida Supreme Court Approved. Family Law Form 12.922(a). The Florida Supreme Court recently adopted amendments to the Florida Supreme Court Approved Family Law Forms, on its own motion. Florida divorce law requires three elements to be shown to set aside default judgment; excusable neglect, a meritorious defense, and due diligence. Png, Proposed Pretrial Statement Final Form. pdf. This page lists various forms for conducting business with the Clerk or Courts. 1) Call the Clerk of the Circuit Court (276-8100) after the date listed on the Notice of Action to see if your spouse filed an answer.