Search all USCIS forms. File your form online for a more convenient and secure experience.To file amendments for existing registrations, find and open the record through the "Search" tab in the Business Filing Services portal and request access. Use our Form Filler to fill out your form and print it. For the best experience, use a desktop or laptop computer. The Office of Medical Assistance Programs (OMAP) produces and distributes over 70 forms and envelopes for use at no charge to Medicaid providers. Amending Titles 42 (Judiciary and Judicial Procedure) and 57 (Notaries Public) of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes, enacting uniform laws on attestation in the areas of unsworn foreign declarations and notarial acts; making editorial changes; making related repeals; and abrogating a regulation. Mail completed affidavit form, documents, application, fee and ID to:. Executive Office for Immigration Review. Petition for Probate of Authenticated Copy of Will(PDF, 6MB) - Complete this form and present it when filing authenticated record.