Close your eyes to block out visual stimuli. If your symptoms of dizziness and motion sickness persist and you suspect an inner ear issue, call Coates Hearing at (984) 205-6863 to schedule a consultation.Care advice for motion sickness: What you should know about motion sickness: Rest - Lie Down, Fluids - Offer Sips, Vomiting. How is motion sickness treated? To help reduce the symptoms, allow 12 to 24 hours per time zone for your body to adjust. Discover the causes and symptoms of motion sickness, and find out how you can prevent motion sickness while traveling. Focus on the horizon or on a distant, stationary object. It's a symptom and not a disease in itself. After completing comprehensive balance testing, our team of balance specialists will develop a customized treatment plan for you. Phone: (Please provide a number where you can be contacted on the day of your travel.