Complete Part I, Items 1 – 7, with the information as it appears on the current certificate. 5. (2) file an affidavit with Motion Court attesting to non-payment.All Responses to Motions and Answers to Petitions must be filed with the Prothonotary and submitted to the Motion Clerk on or before the Response Date. Note:. File a document on pleading paper called amended motion re order to show cause and affidavit of contempt, write out the reason for your motion. For assistance in selecting the correct birth amendment form, please utilize our Birth Amendment Overview Chart. It may be filed only in a Pennsylvania magisterial district court and not in the Philadelphia Municipal Court. — The language of the Fourteenth Amendment requires the provision of due process when an interest in one's "life, liberty or property" is threatened. Click here for a Motion to Serve By Publication or Posting that you can fill out on the computer. If you are requesting an authorized Certified Copy of the amended record, you must complete and submit a notarized sworn statement. The landlord does not fill out this form.