We invite you to call our office to speak with a Phoenix spousal maintenance lawyer today at 602-548-3400. Outlines the terms of the divorce settlement that both spouses have agreed upon, including issues related to property division, child custody, and support.However, if your orders aren't permanent, you can generally expect that spousal support will last 3 years for every year that you were married. Where do I get a divorce? In Arizona, only the Superior Court can grant a divorce. After completing the Spousal Maintenance Calculator, print out the Spousal Maintenance Worksheet in order to file it with your other paperwork. Do you need alimony lawyers or attorneys in Phoenix, Arizona? If so, please contact our law firm so we can help you with your case, call us today. Instead, you can sign and file a Marital Settlement Agreement and Consent Decree to complete an amicable divorce. Most divorce law in Arizona refers to alimony as "spousal maintenance" because it serves to bridge a significant income gap between divorcing spouses.