The following strategies can help you avoid or lessen motion sickness. Sit in the front of a car or bus.Option 1: For diseases that are to be reported within 24 hours, call the Epidemiology Program at 520-724-7797. The Public Safety and Emergency Services Institute (PSESI) embraces the mission and vision statements of Pima Community College. Eat a wellbalanced meal so your stomach is settled. Avoid acidic or greasy foods before and during your travels. The purpose of the Safe Ride Rules and Attraction Guide- lines is to assist all of our patrons in finding the rides or attractions that best suit them. Treat any kind of sinus irritation before you travel or while you're traveling. Increased sinus inflammation can make you predisposed to motion sickness. People with motion sickness commonly experience dizziness; headache; nausea, vomiting, or retching; sweating.