Were you ever ragged ? This document provides essential steps for filling out the Anti-Ragging Form.It guides students on registration, submission, and other requirements. The process to make an Anti ragging affidavit online is simple: Step 1: Go to the edrafter. After filling out this form successfully, you can download the Student's Anti Ragging Undertaking and the Parents Anti Ragging Undertaking from Website. I don't think it can be changed maybe cut it and change the city in the form once you reach the campus after confirming with the officials. UGC mandates that every student must fill up the the Anti-Ragging Affidavit Form online every year and submit the Affidavit-id to the University authorities. UGC mandates that every student must fill up the the Anti-Ragging Affidavit Form online every year and submit the Affidavit-id to the University authorities. A copy of web based affidavit registration form is attached for ready reference. As per instruction from UGC, all the University Students are required to fill the mandatory anti-ragging Affidavit.