Use this form to show they have adequate means of financial support and are not likely to rely on the US government for financial support. Generally, you need to file a new application form for USCIS to reissue a secure identity document.864 Affidavit of support How to fill out the Form 864 immigration Tips US mmigration with Attorney Jacob Sapochnick After I get the court order, what do I submit to amend my birth certificate? • You will need to complete an Amendment of Birth. Assessor. Business Personal Property. Download PDF>Request Form - Statement of Change Form - ACR205.pdf. 17. ls the Sheriff's Office required to provide a copy of the electronic record in the format requested? Fill in the blank form formatted to comply with all recording and content requirements. Proof of funding demonstrating the ability to pay for estimated education and living expenses in the US, including for dependents, will be required.