This request is to modify (change) spousal or partner support after entry of a judgment. The completed form can be mailed to Secretary of State, Domestic Partners Registry, P.O. Box 942870,.Please Download PDF BOE-62-LRDP REV. The Housing Document Readiness Form prepares a client to be doc ready for permanent supportive housing and rapid rehousing programs. Under California law, a homeowner is entitled to the protection of a certain amount of equity in the home that is his or her principal residence (home). We currently support a network of 125 partner agencies to provide charitable food assistance to those in need throughout Sacramento County. Building permit, inspections, and plan review services. Client privacy and confidentiality are described in the service application. Individuals interested in our paid assistance should still fill out our online screening form below. If you are an individual, please fill out the Change of Address form and mail it to our office with a copy of your driver license.