Use Form 1065-X, if you are not filing electronically, to: Correct items on a previously filed Form 1065, Form 1065-B, or Form 1066. Here are some tips to help you when filling out this form: Type or clearly print the Memorandum Opposing the Motion.Use short sentences. The purpose of this article is to provide partnerships a guide to the various filing procedures and tax forms to use to modify a previously filed Form 1065. This bill: 8 defines terms; 9 provides a timeline for a prosecuting attorney to respond to a motion to reduce a 10 conviction for purposes of expungement. Follow these steps to prepare a 1065 partnership amended return for electronic filing. Note Select the statement window for the Amended return field. (8) "Director" means the director of the division of parks and wildlife. Street, Salt Lake City, Utah Lat. 40°46'03'. The " List of CFR Sections Affected" is designed to lead users of the Code of Federal Regulations to amendatory actions published in the Federal.