Alimony, sometimes referred to as spousal support, is the court-ordered money that one party pays to the other party for support while they are separated. Is your alimony agreement unfair?Contact an experienced SLC alimony attorney. Collect and enforce current and past-due spousal support (alimony) on all IV-A and Non-IV-A cases if the criteria listed below are met. Utah law allows parties to a divorce to request temporary alimony during the divorce process. Fill out the form or call us at (801) 274-0702 to schedule your free consultation. To help you get started, please fill out the form below and click submit - or if you prefer, you can call our office at: 801-363-0940. Name. Email. Phone. In Utah, both alimony and child support are considered independently and are determined based on different factors. Parents are required to provide the court with proof that their current income matches the income used in the support calculator. Dealing with family law in the Salt Lake City area?