Yes, you can file an Amended Financial Affidavit, and you may use the same form filled out with the corrected information. Section 3511(a) of the UDC requires that all requests for amendments include a Cost Impact Statement.The Cost Impact Statement should be. For information on values, to file for an exemption, or to report changes in ownership or address, please call the Appraisal District at 210-224-2432. After completing this form and any attachments, count the number of pages. Enter that number in this box. The T47 affidavit document attests to the property survey's accuracy and validity, providing home buyers peace of mind. Affidavit of Heirship to identify heirs of a deceased home owner. San Antonio, TX 782681911. This toolkit for parents and guardians contains forms and instructions for legally changing the name of a child under 18.