Need help with alimony? Our San Antonio spousal maintenance lawyer can help you seek a fair outcome.In this article, learn about how spousal maintenance is ordered, the requirements to be eligible for spousal maintenance, and other important information. In most cases, the Texas Family Code provides that spousal maintenance may only be ordered for spouses that have been married for 10 years or longer. Our lawyers can help you and your spouse work through the spousal support process to design a plan that meets your goals and is fair to everyone. We have detailed knowledge and expertise in all areas of divorce, including the rules and requirements of spousal support, maintenance and alimony. If the marriage lasted less than 10 years and the supporting spouse was convicted of domestic violence, alimony can last up to five years. In short the answer to this question is yes, Texas allows for spousal support payments to be a part of a divorce settlement agreement. If the marriage lasted less than 10 years and the supporting spouse was convicted of domestic violence, alimony can last up to five years. San Jose. Seattle. Texas. Washington. Type.