Pursuant to San Diego Superior Court Rules, you must participate in a pre-court meeting (meet and confer) with the Department of Child Support Services (DCSS). Download and print child support forms, including income declarations, referrals, balance disputes, and others.Call to speak to our intake team, Monday through Friday 9 am – 5 pm. You will want to file your motion in the same Courthouse where your case was initially heard. Enroll for child support, access case online, locate noncustodial parents, establish parentage, pay child support, free legal help, resources for families. Modifying a court order after it has been made is a difficult process. You have to have been personally served with the contempt motion. If you weren't, i would hire an attorney to file a motion to quash the contempt paperwork. For example, if the other party is in violation of a support order and a visitation order, you will need to fill out both FL411 and FL412. Looking to change the terms of your divorce, child custody, or child support agreement?