A judge can make a spousal support order in a divorce, legal separation, or domestic violence restraining order case. There are two types of spousal support.There aren't any specific requirements for asking for alimony payments in a California divorce. Call (408) 601-4439 to speak with our spousal maintenance attorney. Initial consultations are provided at no cost. Spousal support, also called alimony, is the payment that a court may order one spouse to pay another spouse when a couple gets divorced or separated. Also known as alimony, spousal support may be awarded to either party in a divorce to maintain their marital standard style of living post-separation. Start the free, step-by-step informational series that will walk you through every form required to complete your own divorce in California. To find out how alimony might affect your California divorce, or to modify an existing spousal support agreement, call The Law Offices of Steven E. What Are My Rights in a Divorce?