On this page below is a list of LOCAL forms that can be completed online and then printed. The form you need may be in this list.If you click on the form number in the first column you must print it to fill it out. Once completed, note the SST number and come into our office to finish the process. Learn the requirements and how to apply for a marriage license. Marriage License Services are offered Monday to Friday from 8 AM – PM. This article describes California common law marriage in detail, from its history to the rights of unmarried couples living together. If you and your spouse-to-be are both U.S. citizens, you must complete a "Joint Affidavit of Competency to Marry," using this form (PDF 77KB). A DSW is required to complete all assigned DSW-related training, and in the event of an emergency, return to work as ordered. Obtain and fill out required family law forms, both mandatory and casespecific.