This book can help you fill out the right forms to file or respond to a motion. This HowTo Guide addresses the steps for filing and serving motions in general civil cases in Santa Clara Superior Court.This page gives basic information about a few of these options, such as filing a motion, demurrer, or cross-complaint. Law and motion calendars start at am or pm. The Commissioners may set other times for longer hearings, settlement conferences or status conferences. An application for a court order extending the time to serve a pleading must be filed before the time for service has elapsed. "A proposal," but in the specific context of the rules of procedure used in business and government meetings. The objective of this article and accompanying selfstudy quiz is to familiarize readers with California law and motion procedures. Therefore, a PC 995 motion (pronounced "nine-nine-five") is essentially an appeal of the preliminary hearing judge's decision to bind your case over for trial. Courtroom Information.