The purpose of the affidavit is to affirm the facts stated regarding their non-cohabitation for legal purposes. An alphabetical-by-topic list is provided below containing information and downloadable PDF forms, when available, or links to external resources.Sworn affidavit declaring that the solo parent is not cohabiting with a partner or co- parent, and has sole parental care and support of the child or children. • Marriage Certificate. • Death Certificate of the spouse. The other applicant may apply for a marriage license on behalf of the absent applicant. Further, the following apply to me and the Volunteer (check next to all the following that apply): a. Application form will be given if all the requirements are already complete. о. AFFIDAVIT OF NON-COHABITATION. I,. , the petitioner in the above-entitled matter, first being duly sworn, say: I have not cohabited with since . Date.