When the assessment is complete, send Form H1274, Medicaid Eligibility Resource Assessment Notification. Texas spousal support can be tricky, and the experienced family law attorneys at the Law Office of Chris Schmiedeke are here to guide you.In most cases, the Texas Family Code provides that spousal maintenance may only be ordered for spouses that have been married for 10 years or longer. In Texas, both parties disclose their income and debt on a financial affidavit called a Proposed Support Decision and Information form. Your spouse can fill out and sign either form. The Waiver of Service Only form must be signed in front of a notary. You can't get alimony in Texas, but you can request spousal support. There are certain criteria that have to be met in order to qualify for spousal support. EFile Texas Self Help - Free website that helps you fill out and then electronically file common forms for court. The short answer is yes.