Forms: Recording 72-Hour Waiver Form, Affidavit of Absent Application, Affidavit of Absent Application Instructions, Declaration of Domestic Partnership. Consider reaching out to a Texas family law firm when drafting an agreement.How long do we need to be together? It requires an affidavit of cohabitation if you have a roommate, but if like me, you don't, you have to submit an affidavit that you live alone. If You Would Like To Know More About How Our Firm Can Help With Your Case, We Invite You To Give Us A Call At 512-342-9980 Or Fill Out The Form Below. This article tells you about the requirements for a common law marriage. If you qualify under this section, you must complete a Dependent Tax Affidavit and submit it with your other enrollment documents. Travis County's Required Small Estate Affidavit form. I think you just need an affidavit notarized to saw you are domestic partners. In other counties, you'll fill out and complete your application fully in person.