Alimony, sometimes referred to as spousal support, is the court-ordered money that one party pays to the other party for support while they are separated. There are numerous factors involved in the Utah alimony calculator.Learn how alimony is calculated in Utah, what judges consider when deciding spousal support awards, and how to get alimony payments changed. In Utah, the law mandates that the judge may order alimony only up to the number of years that the marriage lasted. The purpose of alimony is to maintain a spouse as near as possible in the same standard of living that the spouse had during the marriage. The new alimony laws in Utah have introduced more structured criteria for determining spousal support. Utah alimony laws provide for court-ordered payment of money to an ex-spouse after the dissolution of marriage. 9 This bill modifies provisions related to alimony determinations. A formalized marriage is not a prerequisite for an alimony award. In Utah, either spouse can ask the judge to award alimony.