These forms and instructions are available in the General Clerk's Office, Room 108, in the Nassau County. This list contains current links to state divorce forms where available.Some states may have additional requirements or restrictions. Spousal support cases are started with a spousal support petition in Family Court. There is no filing fee in Family Court. Learn about the types of alimony available in Virginia, how it's calculated, and the factors courts consider when awarding spousal support. Below, you can find blank forms to print and online programs that help you create the forms you need. The Virginia Judicial System has a number of forms for each court available on the court's form page. You should mail the divorce papers (Complaint, Summons, and Notice of Initial Hearing) to your spouse's last known address after you file the case. The Law Department assists local and out-of-state custodial parents in establishing an order of support from non-custodial parents.