We have the easy steps below! Both parties must be present in person to apply for a marriage license.It requires an affidavit of cohabitation if you have a roommate, but if like me, you don't, you have to submit an affidavit that you live alone. Payable to: Wake County Sheriff's Office. Use this page to access all the Wake County forms you'll need for filing your divorce. With regard to the mechanics of filling out the Inventory, on each page you need to complete the information asked for on each page, including putting a check. I have read and understand the "Instructions" which accompany this Affidavit, and the information contained in this Affidavit is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my ability. This document is a collection of links to fillable forms that are available on NC Administrative Office of the Courts or AOC. An easy and quick method to prepare for uncontested divorce online and get high-quality divorce papers. If you qualify under this section, you must complete a Dependent Tax Affidavit and submit it with your other enrollment documents.