Wake County requires both parties to exchange financial affidavits. The affidavit shows all of your income and expenses.Applying to get a fair amount of financial spousal support after divorce to help pay your bills? Let McKnight Law divorce attorneys help. The duration of your "open durational" alimony may not exceed 14 years (the length of the marriage), unless your wife can show "exceptional circumstances." In Wake County, both spouses are required to complete a Financial Affidavit, which establishes their income levels and expenses, both on the date of separation. Yes, you would qualify for alimony from your husband unless you, as the dependent spouse, have committed an act of illicit sexual behavior during the marriage. To have your spouse served in any other way, you must get permission from the court. Similar to post-separation support, spouses can enter into a voluntarily alimony agreement under any terms they choose or waive that support altogether. Suppose alimony is established in a private contract (not incorporated into the court order), and the supporting spouse stops paying alimony.