I promise that I will not indulge in Ragging or any form of violent behaviour. Neither will I tolerate being ragged or subjected to violence.To change the date or place of marriage or dissolution, the officiant (marriage) or clerk of court (dissolution) must complete and submit the affidavit. Anti-ragging affidavit is a compulsory form that you and your parents have to fill and sign. You can use the Affidavit for Correction form and required proof for most corrections. The form summarizes how to make a correction. After filling out this form successfully, you can download the Student's Anti Ragging Undertaking and the Parents Anti Ragging Undertaking from Website. Subject: Revised procedure for students to file online Anti Ragging Affidavit-reg. All institutions have their own drafted specimen anti ragging proformas. Your college will provide the proforma acceptable to them.